The Indonesian Lantern Media LLC.
Aside from our regular Indonesian Lantern contributing writers, individuals are welcome to submit an article for consideration.
Along with your article – attach a professional thumbnail photo (.jpg or .gif format) along with 2-3 line bio, which will be featured at the end of your article if it is published in one of the upcoming issues. You can also include a link to either your website
Articles will be reviewed by the Editor and will be published as needed. All articles should be original with no prior print or electronic publication history. You will have no restriction on distribution after the article is published in Indonesian Lantern.
Each article can be any length but we suggest no more than 600 words. Indonesian Lantern Editor will be reviewing each article – kindly spell and grammar check your article before submitting the same. Editor has the right to grammatically copy write anything in submitted articles if there is a need.
We encourage writers to submit a photo or graphic (.jpg file) (make sure the photo or graphic is royalty-free) to accompany their article – must be professional grade.
Send your articles in any font style (preferably Font size 12) to indah@Indonesianlantern.com – Put About Her Article Submission in Subject Line.
If you have any questions – contact us at indah@indonesianlantern.com. Thank you.
We look forward to receiving your article submission!
2114 South Dorrance Street
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Email: indonesianlantern@gmail.com
Tel: 267-632-1833
2014-by Indonesian Lantern. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication maybe reproduced ad reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Indonesian Lantern is a free publication distributed locally, nationally and internationally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, restaurants, community centers, and wherever free publications are generally seen. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services provided. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. Please send it to indonesianlantern@gmail.com