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These baby orangutans will brighten your day...

See? We didn’t disappoint. We promised you a wheelbarrow-load of baby orangutans and we provided. Take it in, friends.

The little’uns were being transported into the jungle for lessons on how to survive in the wild.

The youngsters are taught skills which should have been gained from their mothers but unfortunately they were left to fend for themselves before being rescued.

Orangutans usually spend seven to eight years with their mother and learn the skills they need to survive. So the charity have created an environment as close as possible to what life would be like in the wild for them where they can learn from each other instead.

Alan Knight, CEO of International Animal Rescue, said: ‘As time goes on they will learn from the other orangutans how to climb and forage for food, just as they would in the forest. ‘Young orangutans learn a great deal by imitating and copying each other, just like human children. ‘They will also gradually shed their dependence on their human babysitters as they develop bonds with each other.’

The charity in Ketapang, Indonesia, have built the forest school where the youngsters can climb and swing from the ropes and barrels. The sanctuary aims to return the animals to the wild once they are fully rehabilitated.

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